Building Trust Instantly: The Power of the Fearless Guarantee

Got a killer product? Prove it. 

You can instantly build trust with potential customers through a bold, explicit guarantee. 

This flips the risk from them to you, showcasing your confidence in your offering.  As legendary copywriter John Carlton says, “If you really have a good product or service, don’t balk at your guarantee.”

Remember my first sales job? Sweaty palms, ill-fitting suit, and awkwardness in a room full of strangers. But something cut through the anxiety: Cutco’s legendary “Forever Guarantee.”  No receipt, no questions, just satisfaction guaranteed – forever. “This must be the best cutlery ever!” I thought. And guess what? I easily sold it.

Guarantees are powerful. They’ve influenced countless buying decisions, and experts like confirm their effectiveness in eliminating risk for potential customers. 

So, how do you craft your own fearless guarantee?

  1. Start with Your Audience’s Desire: What drives your customers? What problem does your product solve? Answer this, and you unlock the key to framing your guarantee.
  2. Craft a Bold, Confident Guarantee: Don’t be timid. Show your belief in your product with a guarantee that resonates with that core desire. ClickUp, a productivity tool, guarantees “Save one day every week.” They know their users crave time, and their guarantee delivers on that promise.
  3. Frame it Simply: Use an “if, then” format for clarity. For example, “If you use our help desk tool, you’ll receive 50% fewer help desk calls.” Translate that into a headline like “Cut Your Help Desk Calls in Half with HelpMeWare! Guaranteed.”

  • Confidence is Key: Believe in your product and its ability to deliver on the guarantee.
  • Highlight Benefits: Connect the guarantee to the benefits your customers crave.
  • No Extra Work: Leverage existing content and ads, just plug in the guarantee.

Need Help?

  • Ask Your Customers: What are their desires and biggest concerns?
  • “Spy” on Competitors: See how their guarantees stack up and find ways to outshine them.

Take Action:

  1. Identify Your Customer’s Desire: What problem do you solve?
  2. Craft Your Guarantee: Be bold, specific, and confident.
  3. Frame it Simply: Use an “if, then” format for clarity.

By offering a fearless guarantee, you build trust instantly. After all, only a truly exceptional product could make such a daring promise. So, flip the risk, showcase your confidence, and watch your customers line up.

Remember: You have the power to build trust and boost sales with a simple, yet powerful, guarantee. Now go out there and make it happen!